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Department of Microbiology – Scientific projects


Grants and scientific projects (since 2010):

  • NCN PRELUDIUM 2019. Kinetyka transkryptomu szczepów Proteus mirabilis w trakcie inicjacji wzrostu rozpezłego, ważnego czynnika wirulencji. Project manager: Dawid Gmiter, MSc.
  • miniGrant 2019. Szybkie metody identyfikacji biomolekuł bakteryjnych. Project manager: prof. Wiesław Kaca.
  • NCN PRELUDIUM 2018. Swoistość i reaktywność krzyżowa przeciwciał anty-LPS Proteus mirabilis wyizolowanych z surowic pacjentów chorych na reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów. Project manager: Katarzyna Durlik, MSc.
  • EU project COST CA18103. Innovation with Glycans: new frontiers from synthesis to new biological targets (2019-2022) prof. Wiesław Kaca.
  • Statutory activity #612 094 Assessment of the ability to grow and produce pigments by Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains in the presence of Proteus mirabilis strains. Project manager: Dawid Gmiter, MSc.
  • NCN MINIATURA 2017. The importance of genetic diversity of ids and idr genes clusters in territoriality and the ability to compete intraspecifically Proteus mirabilis. Project manager: Grzegorz Czerwonka, PhD.
  • NCN PRELUDIUM 2014/15/N/NZ6/025055. Physical properties of antibody complexes with lipopolysaccharides of S and R forms of Proteus mirabilis. Project manager: Joanna Gleńska-Olender, PhD.
  • Projekt nr 03/NAB_1/UJK/2017. Bionanfilter as a system for pre-treatment of spent sulphide waters, in the field of chemical and physical analyzes, microbiological tests, optimization of biofilms functioning conditions. Research team: Anna Rabajczyk, DSc, prof. Wiesław Kaca, Paulina Żarnowiec, PhD.
  • NCN PRELUDIUM 2012/07/N/NZ7/01187. Application of ATR/FT-IR and artificial neural networks for the detection of biochemical properties of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains. Project manager: Łukasz Lechowicz, PhD.
  • NCN PRELUDIUM 2012/07/N/NZ6/04118. Infrared spectroscopy as a reference method for the identification of surface structures and clonal differentiation of Proteus sp. Project manager: Paulina Żarnowiec, PhD.
  • NCN SONATA 2011/03/D/NZ6/03316. The use of synthetic mimetics of the mobile bacterial urease area to assess the diversity of anti-urease antibodies in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Project manager: dr Iwona Konieczna.
  • MNiSW nr. N N304 275540 2011-2013. Modification of ureolytic activity and formation of biofilms in the environment by Proteus mirabilis strains in the presence of signaling substances. Project manager: prof. Wiesław Kaca.
  • MNiSW nr. N N304 044639 2010-2013. A new molecular marker for the identification of environmental bacteria. Project manager: prof. Wiesław Kaca.
  • EU project COST BM1003. Microbial cell surface determinants of virulence as targets for new therapeutics in Cystic Fibrosis. Member of the management board from the Polish side: prof. Wiesław Kaca.
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