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Department of Microbiology

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Research topics:

Bacterial clonal differentiation using infrared spectrophotometry and mathematical modeling. Biofilm analysis of Gram-negative bacteria. The role of molecular mimicry in rheumatic diseases.
Bacteria of extreme habitats. Biology and ecology of entomopathogenic nematodes. Parasitic plants – taxonomy, phytogeography, phylogeny, biology, ecology, phytochemistry, microbiota.
Geobotanical issues, biodiversity and nature protection of the Małopolska Upland (Southern Poland).


zdjęcie wręczenia nagrody dla pracowników zakładu
Presentation of the 1st degree prize of the rector of Jan Kochanowski University for 2019. From the left: prof. Jacek Semiak (Rector of the University);
Łukasz Lechowicz, PhD; prof. Wieslaw Kaca; Grzegorz Czerwonka, PhD; Dawid Gmiter, MSc; Paulina Żarnowiec, PhD; in the background: prof. Michał Arabski (Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation).

zdjęcie wręczenia nagrody dla pracowników zakładu
Presentation of the 1st degree prize of the rector of Jan Kochanowski University for 2018. From the right: prof. Jacek Semiak (Rector of the University);
prof. Wieslaw Kaca; Grzegorz Czerwonka, PhD; Dawid Gmiter, MSc; Łukasz Lechowicz, PhD; Paulina Żarnowiec, PhD; in the background: prof. Michał Arabski (Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation).

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