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Zakład Biologii Środowiska

Zakład Biologii Środowiska – publikacje

Wybrane publikacje:

  • Joanna Ślusarczyk, Edyta Adamska, Joanna Czerwik-Marcinkowska, Fungi and Algae as Sources of Medicinal and Other Biologically Active Compounds: A Review. Nutrients, 2021, 13, 3178.
  • Bonciu E., Firbas P., Fontanetti C. S., Wusheng J., Karaismailoglu M. C., Liu D., Menicucci F., Pesnya D. S., Popescu A., Romanovsky A. V., Schiff S., Ślusarczyk J., de Souza C. P., Srivastava A., Sutan A., Papini A. 2018 Anevaluation for the standardization of the Allium cepa test as cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assay, Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics, 71, 3, 191-209 https://d0i.0rg/l 0.1080/00087114.2018.1503496
  • Joanna Ślusarczyk, Anna Kopacz-Bednarska, Joanna Posłowska, Characteristics of ash, maple, yew/ juniper, and willow pollen seasons in the air of Kielce in 2021 in correlation with weather conditions, Alergoprofil, 2021, Vol. 17, (4): 3-10.


  • Chmielewski Jarosław, Kosowska Ewa, Bąk-Badowska Jolanta, Żeber-Dzikowska Ilona, Gonczaryk Agnieszka, Nowak-Starz Grażyna, Czarny-Działak Małgorzata, Gworek Barbara, Szpringer Monika. Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans as an environmental health threat. Przemysł chemiczny. 2020 T. 99, nr 1, s. 135-144. ISSN 0033-2496.
  • Baćkowska Magdalena, Bąk-Badowska Jolanta, Żeber-Dzikowska Ilona, Gworek Barbara. Preliminary studies on the damage to the leaves of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) caused by insects and mites in the Cisów-Orłowiny Landscape Park. Environmental Protection and Natural Resources. 2020 T. 31, nr 2(84), s. 1- 6. ISSN 2353-8589.
  • Bąk-Badowska Jolanta, Żeber-Dzikowska Ilona, Gworek Barbara, Kacprzyk Wanda, Chmielewski Jarosław. The role and significance of stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Apiformes: Meliponini) in the natural environment. Environmental Protection and Natural Resources. 2019 T. 30, nr 2 (80), s. 1-5. ISSN 2353-8589.
  • Bąk-Badowska Jolanta, Wiśniowski Bogdan. Owady: Błonkoskrzydłe -Hymenoptera. W: Świętokrzyski Park Narodowy. Przyroda i Człowiek. red. Lech Buchholz, Marek Jóźwiak, Jan Reklewski, Paweł Szczepaniak. Bodzentyn – Kielce: Wydawnictwo Świętokrzyskiego Parku Narodowego i Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego, 2020, s. 385-391. ISBN 978-83-65334-53-4.
  • Bąk-Badowska Jolanta. Poszerzanie wiedzy uczniów szczególnie uzdolnionych dotyczącej biologii pszczół właściwie społecznych. W: Edukacja przyrodnicza. W kręgu teorii i praktyki. red. Alicja Walosik, Ilona Żeber-Dzikowska. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2020, s. 109-123. ISBN 978-83-8084-522-0.


  • Czerwik-Marcinkowska Joanna, Gałczyńska Katarzyna, Oszczudłowski Jerzy, Massalski Andrzej, Semaniak Jacek, Arabski Michał. Fatty acid methyl esters of the aerophytic cave alga Coccomyxa subglobosa pilifera as a source for biodiesel production. Energies 2020, 13 (23): 6494; doi:10.3390/en13246494
  • Czerwik-Marcinkowska Joanna, Piwowarczyk Renata, Uher Bohuslav, Tomal Ewa, Wojciechowska Aanna. X-ray fluorescence techniques in determining the habitat preferences of species – Ulva pilifera (Ulvales, Chlorophyta) from Montenegro case study. Molecules, 25 (21): 5022; doi:10.3390/molecules25215022.


  • Skowron Ernest, Trojak Magdalena. Effect of exogenously-applied abscisic acid, putrescine and hydrogen peroxide on drought tolerance of barley. Biologia, 2020 s. 1-16. ISSN 0006-3088, eISSN 1336-9563.


  • Plue J., Van Calster H., Auestad I., Basto S., Bekker R.M., Bruun H.H., Chevalier R., Decocq G., Grandin U., Hermy M., Jacquemyn H., Jakobsson A., Jankowska-Błaszczuk M., Kalamees R., Koch M.A., Marrs R.H., Marteinsdóttir B., Milberg P., Måren I.E., Pakeman R.J., Phoenix G.K., Thompson T., Vandvik V., Wagner M., Auffret A.G. 2021. Buffering effects of soil seed banks on plant community composition in response to land use and cli mate. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30.(1):128-139, doi:
  • Jaroszewicz B., Jankowska-Błaszczuk M., Zmihorski M., Hałatkiewicz T. 2020. An Efficient Tool for the Maintenance of Thermophilous Oak Forest Understory – Sheep or Brush Cutter? Forests 11, 582; doi:10.3390/f11050582
  • Plue J., Van Calster H., Auestad I., Basto S., Bekker R.M., Bruun H.H., Chevalier R., Decocq G., Grandin U., Hermy M., Jacquemyn H., Jakobsson A., Jankowska-Błaszczuk M., Kalamees R., Koch M.A., Marrs R.H., Marteinsdóttir B., Milberg P., Måren I.E., Pakeman R.J., Phoenix G.K., Thompson T., Vandvik V., Wagner M., Auffret A.G.2020. European soil seed bank communities cross a cli mate and land-cover gradient. Dryad.doi:; Document type: Data set.
  • Hałatkiewicz T., Jankowska-Błaszczuk M.,Świercz A., Adamczyk K. 2019. Różnorodność glebowego banku nasion i runa wtórnego lasu dębowego w Kozubowskim Parku Krajobrazowym. Soil seed bank and herb layer diversity within secondary oak forest in Kozubowski Landscape Park. Sylwan 163(5):415-424; doi:10.26202/sylwan.2018136


  • Łubek A., Kukwa M., Jaroszewicz B., Czortek P. 2021. Shifts in lichen species and functional diversity in a primeval forest ecosystem as a response to environmental changes. Forests 12: 686,
  • Łubek A., Kukwa M., Jaroszewicz B., Czortek P. 2021. Composition and specialization of the lichen functional traits in a primeval forest—does ecosystem organization level matter? Forests 12: 485,
  • Kortmann M., Müller J.C., Baier R., Bässler C., Buse J., Cholewińska O., Förschler M.I., Georgiev K.B., Hilszczański J., Jaroszewicz B., Jaworski T., Kaufmann S., Kuijper D., Lorz J., Lotz A., Łubek A., Mayer M., Mayerhofer S., Meyer S., Morinière J., Popa F., Reith H., Roth N., Seibold S., Seidl R., Stengel E., Wolski G.J., Thorn S. 2021. Ecology versus society: Impacts of bark beetle infestations on biodiversity and restorativeness in protected areas of Central Europe. Biological Conservation 254: 108931,
  • Łubek A., Kukwa M., Jaroszewicz B., Czortek P. 2020. Identifying mechanisms shaping lichen functional diversity in a primeval forest. Forest Ecology and Management 475: 118434.
  • Łubek A., Kukwa M., Czortek P., Jaroszewicz B. 2019. Impact of Fraxinus excelsior dieback on biota of ash-associated lichen epiphytes at the landscape and community level. Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 431–450.
  • Łubek A., Kukwa M., Czortek P., Jaroszewicz B. 2019. Lichenicolous fungi are more specialized than their lichen hosts in primeval forest ecosystems, Białowieża Forest, northeast Poland. Fungal Ecology 42: 100866.
  • Singh G., Kukwa M., Grande F.D., Łubek A., Otte J., Schmitt I. 2019. A glimpse into symbiont interaction patterns and genetic diversity of lichen communities: potential implications for monitoring and conservation. Microorganisms 7, 35.
  • Guzow-Krzemińska B., Sérusiaux E., van den Boom P.P.G., Brand A.M., Launis A., Łubek A., Kukwa M. 2019. Understanding the evolution of phenotypical characters in the Micarea prasina group (Pilocarpaceae) and descriptions of six new species within the group. MycoKeys 57: 1–30.
  • Zender Świercz E. Telejko M., Starzomska M., Łubek A. 2019. The microbiology contaminants and microclimate parameters in the nursery building. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.
  • Łubek A., Kukwa M., Czortek P., Jaroszewicz B. 2019. Impact of Fraxinus excelsior dieback on biota of ash-associated lichen epiphytes at the landscape and community level. Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 431–450.
  • Łubek A., Kukwa M., Czortek P., Jaroszewicz B. 2019. Lichenicolous fungi are more specialized than their lichen hosts in primeval forest ecosystems, Białowieża Forest, northeast Poland. Fungal Ecology 42.
  • Guzow-Krzemińska B., Sérusiaux E., van den Boom P.P.G., Brand A.M., Launis A., Łubek A., Kukwa M. 2019. Understanding the evolution of phenotypical characters in the Micarea prasina group (Pilocarpaceae) and descriptions of six new species within the group. MycoKeys 57: 1–30.
  • Łubek A., Kukwa M., Jaroszewicz B., Czortek P. 2018. Changes in the epiphytic lichen biota of Białowieża Primeval Forest are not explained by climate warming. Science of the Total Environment 643: 468–478.
  • Ertz D., Sanderson N., Łubek A., Kukwa M. 2018. Two new species of Arthoniaceae from old-growth European forests: Arthonia thoriana and Inoderma sorediatum, and a new genus for Schismatomma niveum. The Lichenologist 50 (2): 161–172.
  • Ertz D., Guzow-Krzemińska B., Thor G., Łubek A., Kukwa M. 2018. Photobiont switching causes changes in the reproduction strategy and phenotypic dimorphism in the Arthoniomycetes. Scientific Reports 8: 4952.
  • Guzow-Krzemińska B., Łubek A., Kubiak D., Ossowska E., Kukwa M. 2018. Phylogenetic approaches reveal a new sterile lichen in the genus Loxospora (Sarrameanales, Ascomycota) in Poland. Phytotaxa 348 (3): 211–220.
  • Ciężka M., Górka M., Modelska M., Tyszka R., Samecka-Cymerman A., Lewińska A., Łubek A., Widory D. 2018. The coupled study of metal concentrations and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) of lichens (Hypogymnia physodes) from the Świętokrzyski National Park – Environmental implications. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25 (4): 25348–25362.
  • Malíček J., Palice Z., Vondrák J., Łubek A., Kukwa M. 2018. Bacidia albogranulosa (Ramalinaceae, lichenized Ascomycota), a new sorediate lichen from European old-growth forests. MycoKeys 44: 51–62.
  • Łubek A., Kukwa M. 2017. Additions to the mycobiota of Poland. Mycotaxon 132 (1): 183–195.
  • Kukwa M., Czarnota P., Łubek A. 2017. Three lichen species in Buellia, Catillaria & Cheiromycina, new to Poland. Mycotaxon 132 (1): 177–182.
  • Guzow-Krzemińska B., Łubek A., Malíček J., Tønsberg T., Oset M., Kukwa M. 2017. Lecanora stanislai, a new, sterile, usnic acid containing lichen species from Eurasia and North America. Phytotaxa 329 (3): 201–211.


  • Kłosowski S., Pawlikowski P., Jabłońska E. & Podgórska M. 2020. Habitat conditions of the Salvinia natans phytocoenoses in the Vistula and Odra river valleys in Poland. Tuexenia 40: 327–344. doi: 10.14471/2020.40.002
  • Kostrakiewicz-Gierałt K. & Podgórska M. 2020. Regeneration of the rare meadow species Iris sibirica in a postcultural land. Botany Letters 167 (3): 331–339.
  • Podgórska M. & Jóźwiak M. 2020. Impact of Former Iron Ore Mining on Soil Cover in the Northern Foreland of Poland’s Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 29 (4): 2813-2824. doi: 10.15244/pjoes/112209
  • Podgórska M. 2019. The forest flora and vegetation on post-mining mounds in the northern foreland of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. The vascular plant species as indicators of former iron ore mining areas. s. 208. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków. ISBN 978-83-62975-39-6.
  • Podgórska M. 2018. Former iron mining sites as habitat islands for ancient woodland plant species. Polish Journal of Ecology 66: 227–238. doi: 10.3161/15052249PJE2018.66.3.003
  • Jarzyna K., Podgórska M., Szwed M., Jóźwiak M. 2018. A simple light meter as a device for studying the influence of seasonal changes of light conditions on the phenology of herbaceous undergrowth species in a fertile beach forest. Baltic Forestry 24(1): 148–157
  • Podgórska M. 2016. The long-term changes of forest communities as an effect of former iron-ore mining activities and current forest management: importance for local biodiversity. Polish Journal of Ecology 64: 35–44. doi: 10.3161/15052249PJE2016.64.004
  • Podgórska M. 2015. Specific remnants of old iron-ore extraction sites as islands of plant species richness. Open Life Sciences (formerly Central European Journal of Biology) 10: 182–194.


  • Subaşı Ü, Sánchez Pedraja Ó, Piwowarczyk R. (2021) Phelypaea boissieri f. lutea (Orobanchaceae), a peculiar new form from Turkey and typification of the name of this species. PhytoKeys 186: 159-167.
  • Fateryga AV, Piwowarczyk R, Svirin SA, Sánchez Pedraja Ó. (2021) Orobanche kurdica Boiss. & Hausskn. – pp. 363–364 in: Raab-Straube E. von & Raus Th. (ed.), Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 14. – Willdenowia 51: 355–369.
  • Wolski GJ, Piwowarczyk R, Plášek V, Kukwa M, Ruraż K. (2021) Tea plantations and their importance as host plants and hot spots for epiphytic cryptogams. Sci Rep 11: 18242.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Ochmian I, Lachowicz S, Kapusta I, Malinowska K, Ruraż K. (2021) Correlational nutritional relationships and interactions between expansive holoparasite Orobanche laxissima and woody hosts on metal-rich soils. Phytochemistry 190: 112844.
  • Skalski B, Pawelec S, Jedrejek D, Rolnik A, Pietukhov R, Piwowarczyk R, Stochmal A, Olas B. (2021) Antioxidant and anticoagulant effects of phenylpropanoid glycosides isolated from broomrapes (Orobanche caryophyllacea, Phelipanche arenaria, and P. ramosa). Biomed Pharmacother 139: 111618.
  • Durlik K, Żarnowiec P, Piwowarczyk R, Kaca W. (2021) First report of culturable endophytic bacteria isolated from seeds of parasitic weed Phelipanche ramosa (Orobanchaceae). Seed Sci Res 31(1): 69-75.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Schneider AC, Góralski G, Kwolek D, Denysenko-Bennett M, Burda A, Ruraż K, Joachimiak AJ, Sánchez Pedraja Ó. (2021). Phylogeny and historical biogeography analysis supports Caucasian and Mediterranean centres of origin of key holoparasitic Orobancheae (Orobanchaceae) lineages. PhytoKeys 174:165–94.
  • Krasylenko Y, Těšitel J, Ceccantini G, Oliveira-da-Silva M, Dvořák V, Steele D, Sosnovsky Y, Piwowarczyk R, Watson DM, Teixeira-Costa L. (2021). Parasites on parasites: hyper‐, epi‐, and autoparasitism among flowering plants. American Journal of Botany 108(1):1-14.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Ruraż K, Góralski G, Kwolek D, Denysenko-Bennett M, Staszecka-Moskal N. (2021). The First Report of Orobanche laxissima Parasitizing Pomegranate (Punica granatum) in Georgia. Plant Disease,
  • Panek-Wójcicka M, Piwowarczyk R. (2020). Host preferences of Cuscuta lupuliformis (Convolvulaceae) in Sandomierz. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 27(2):696-702.
  • Nanagulyan S, Zakaryan N, Kartashyan N, Piwowarczyk R, Łuczaj Ł. (2020) Wild plants and fungi sold in the markets of Yerevan (Armenia). J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 16: 26.
  • Nobis M, Marciniuk J, Marciniuk P, Wolanin M, Király G, Nowak A, Paszko B, Klichowska E, Moreno-Moral G, Piwowarczyk R, Sánchez-Pedraja Ó, Wróbel A, Egorova IN, Eliaš PJun, Krivenko DA, Kuzmin IV, Lazkov GA, Mei G, Nobis A, Olonova MV, Soreng RJ, Stinca A, Vasjukov VM, Vershinin NA. (2020) Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 9. Turk J Bot 44: 455–480.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Ochmian I, Lachowicz S, Kapusta I, Sotek Z. (2020) Phytochemical and bioactive properties of Phelypaea tournefortii – effect of parasitic lifestyle and environmental factors. Acta Univ Cibiniensis. Ser E: Food Technol 24(1): 113-128.
  • Zając A. & Zając M. (ed.), Aframowicz-Cieślak R, Bernacki L, Celka Z, Chmiel J, Cwener A, Dajdok Z, Danielewicz W, Kurnicki B, Łysko A, Marciniuk J, Marciniuk P, Markowski R, Mitka J, Nobis M, Nowak A, Oklejewicz K, Piwowarczyk R, Pliszko A, Popiela A, Posz E, Rosadziński S, Sobisz Z, Szczęśniak E, Szeląg Z, Tokarska-Guzik B, Wołkowycki D, Wrzesień M, Zając A, Zając M, Zalewska-Gałosz J. (2020). Distribution atlas of vascular plants in Poland: Appendix. Kraków: Instytut Botaniki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
  • Zazvorka J, Sanchez Pedraja Ó, Moreno Moral G, Carlon L, Domina G, Lainz M, Piwowarczyk R. (2019) Orobanche centaurina Bertol. the correct name for O. kochii F. W. Schultz (Orobanchaceae). Fl Montiberica 75: 52-56.
  • Nobis M, Klichowska E, Terlević A, Wróbel A, Erst A, Hrivnák R, Ebel AL, Tikhomirov VN, Byalt VV, Gudkova PD, Király G, Kipriyanova LM, Olonova M, Piwowarczyk R, Pliszko A, Rosadziński S, Seregin AP, Honcharenko V, Marciniuk J, Marciniuk P, Oklejewicz K, Wolanin M, Batlai O, Bubíková K, Choi HJ, Dzhus MA, Kochjarová J, Molnár A.V, Nobis A., Nowak A, Oťaheľová H, Óvári M, Shimko II, Shukherdorj B, Sramkó G, Troshkina VI, Verkhozina AV, Wang W, Xiang K, Zykova EYu. (2019). Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 8. Bot Lett 166(2): 163-188.
  • Krasylenko Y, Piwowarczyk R. (2019) First report of eastern dodder (Cuscuta monogyna) parasitizing common fig (Ficus carica) at the Crimean Peninsula. Plant Dis 103(7): 1795.
  • Ruraż K. Piwowarczyk R, Gajdoš P., Krasylenko Y., Čertík M. 2020. Fatty acid composition in seeds of holoparasitic Orobanchaceae from the Caucasus region: Relation to species,
    climatic conditions and nutritional value. Phytochemistry 179: 112510.
  • Ochmian I., Błaszak M., Lachowicz S., Piwowarczyk R. 2020. The impact of cultivation systems on the nutritional and phytochemical content, and microbiological contamination
    of highbush blueberry. Scientific Reports 10: 16696.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Ochmian I, Lachowicz S, Kapusta I, Sotek Z, Błaszak M. (2020). Phytochemical parasite-host relations and interactions: A Cistanche armena case study. Science of The Total Environment, 716, 137071.
  • Jedrejek D, Pawelec S, Piwowarczyk R, Pecio Ł, Stochmal A. (2020) Identification and occurrence of phenylethanoid and iridoid glycosides in six Polish broomrapes (Orobanche spp. and Phelipanche spp., Orobanchaceae). Phytochemistry 170: 112189.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Ruraż K, Krasylenko Y, Kasińska J, Sánchez-Pedraja Ó. (2020). Seed micromorphology of representatives of holoparasitic Orobanchaceae genera from the Caucasus region and its taxonomic significance. Phytotaxa 432 (3): 223–251. DOI:
  • Piwowarczyk R, Gmiter D, Durlik K, Ruraż K, Kaca W. (2020). First Report of Orobanche laxissima Parasitizing Pallis’ Ash (Fraxinus pallisiae) in Georgia. Plant Dis.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Mielczarek Ł, Panek-Wójcicka M, Ruraż K. (2020) First report of Melanagromyza cuscutae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) from Poland. Floa. Entomol. 103(1).
  • Piwowarczyk R, Guzikowski S, Góralski G, Denysenko-Bennett M, Kwolek D, Joachimiak A.J. (2018) The first report of dodder (Cuscuta epithymum) parasitizing hemiparasitic species of Santalaceae (Thesium) and Orobanchaceae (Euphrasia, Melampyrum, Odontites, Orthantha, Rhinanthus) in Poland. Plant Dis. 102(2): 456.
  • Moreno Moral G, Sanchez Pedraja Ó, Piwowarczyk R. (2018) Contributions to the knowledge of Cistanche (Orobanchaceae) in the Western Palearctic. Phyton-Ann. Rei Bot A. 57(1-2):19-36.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Sánchez-Pedraja Ó, Moreno-Moral G, Zakaryan N, Kartashyan N. (2018) Phelipanche zangezuri (Orobanchaceae), a new species from the Caucasus, Armenia. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 55: 17-23.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Denysenko-Bennett M, Góralski G, Kwolek D, Sánchez Pedraja Ó, Mizia P, Cygan M, Joachimiak A.J. (2018) Phylogenetic relationships within Orobanche and Phelipanche (Orobanchaceae) from Central Europe, focused on problematic aggregates, taxonomy, and host ranges. Acta Biol. Cracov. Bot. 60(1): 45-64.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Sánchez Pedraja Ó, Moreno Moral G, Denysenko-Bennett M, Góralski G, Kwolek D. (2018) Orobanche javakhetica (Orobanchaceae): a new species from the Caucasus (Armenia). Phytotaxa 360(2): 135-144.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Sánchez Pedraja Ó, Moreno Moral G, Góralski G, Kwolek D, Denysenko-Bennett M, Pawełek B. (2018) Orobanche arpica (Orobanchaceae): a new species from the Caucasus, and contributional notes on O. ser. Krylowianae. Phytotaxa 361(1): 65-76.
  • Nobis M, Domina G, Meço M, Mullaj A, Bazan G, Ebel AL, Király G, Erst A, Nowak A, Sukhorukov AP, Pospelova EB, Pospelov IN, Vasjukov VM, Piwowarczyk R, Seregin AP, Király A, Kushunina M, Liu B, Molnár AV, Olonova M, Óvári M, Paszko B, You-Sheng C, Verkhozina AV, Yu Zykova E, Klichowska K, Nobis A, Wróbel A, Aydýn ZU, Dönmez AA, Garakhani P, Koopman J, Korolyuk A, Oklejewicz K, Qasimova T, Wang W, Więcław H, Wolanin M, Xiang K. (2018) Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 7. Bot. Lett. 164(1): 200-222.
  • Turnau K, Jędrzejczyk R, Domka A, Anielska T, Piwowarczyk R. (2018) Expansion of a holoparasitic plant, Orobanche lutea (Orobanchaceae), in post-industrial areas – a possible Zn effect. Sci. Total Environ. 639: 714-724.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Guzikowski S, Depa Ł, Kaszyca N. (2018) First report of Smynthurodes betae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Phelipanche ramosa (Orobanchaceae). Fla. Entomol.101(2): 339-341.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Góralski G, Denysenko-Bennett M, Kwolek D, Joachimiak AJ, Fayvush G. (2018) The first report of eastern dodder (Cuscuta monogyna) parasitizing licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) in Armenia. Plant Dis. 102(12): 2664.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Mielczarek Ł. (2018) First report of Eumerus mucidus (Diptera: Syrphidae) on Cistanche armena (Orobanchaceae) and from Armenia. Fla. Entomol.101(3): 519-521.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Mielczarek Ł, Guzikowski S. (2018) First report of Phytomyza orobanchia (Diptera: Agromyzidae) from Poland and Chymomyza amoena (Diptera: Drosophilidae) on Phelipanche ramosa (Orobanchaceae). Fla. Entomol. 101(3): 540-542.
  • Guzikowski S, Piwowarczyk R. (2018) Preferencje żywicielskie Cuscuta epithymum (Convolvulaceae) w Niecce Nidziańskiej (Polska południowa) (Host preferences of the Cuscuta epithymum (Convolvulaceae) in the Nida Basin (southern Poland). Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Polon. 25(1): 13-20. [In Polish]
  • Piwowarczyk R, Sánchez Pedraja Ó, Moreno Moral G. (2017) Phelipanche sevanensis (Orobanchaceae): a new species from the Caucasus, and nomenclatural notes on similar species. Phytotaxa 292(3): 231-242.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Kwolek D, Góralski G, Denysenko M, Joachimiak AJ, Aleksanyan A. (2017) First report of the holoparasitic flowering plant Cistanche armena on Caspian manna (Alhagi maurorum) in Armenia. Plant Dis. 101(3): 512.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Kasińska J. (2017) Petal epidermal micromorphology in holoparasitic Orobanchaceae and its significance for systematics and pollination ecology. Aust. Syst. Bot. 30: 48 63.
  • Kwolek D, Denysenko M, Góralski G, Cygan M, Mizia P, Piwowarczyk R, Szklarczyk M, Joachimiak A.J. (2017) The first evidence of a host-to-parasite mitochondrial gene transfer in Orobanchaceae. Acta Biol. Cracov. Bot. 59(1): 13 22.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Sánchez Pedraja Ó, Moreno Moral G, Nanagulyan S, Zakaryan N, Kartashyan N. (2017) Phelipanche hajastanica (Orobanchaceae), a new species from Armenia. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 54: 117 123.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Sánchez Pedraja Ó, Moreno Moral G, Denysenko-Bennett M, Góralski G, Kwolek D, Kosachev P, Joachimiak A.J. (2017) Orobanche mlokosiewiczii (Orobanchaceae): a new species from the Greater Caucasus, and nomenclatural notes on similar species. Phytotaxa 319(2): 123 135.
  • Nobis M, Erst A, Nowak A, Shaulo D, Olonova M, Kotukhov Y, Doğru-Koca A, Dönmez AA, Király G, Ebel AL, Kushunina M, Piwowarczyk R, Sukhorukov AP, Nobis A, Verloove F, Zalewska-Gałosz J, Zare G, Burri J-F, Caković D, Jędrzejczak E, Jogan N, Klichowska E, Pliszko A, Popovich AV, Stešević D, Šilc U, Tupitsyna N, Vasjukov VM, Wang W, Werner P, Wolanin MN, Wolanin MM, Xiang K-L. (2017) Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 6. Bot. Lett.164(1): 23-45.
  • Panek M, Piwowarczyk R. (2017) Nowe stanowiska rzadkich gatunków roślin naczyniowych z Sandomierza. Cz. II (New localities of rare vascular plant species from Sandomierz. Part II). Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Polon. 24(2): 526-531. [In Polish]
  • Panek M, Piwowarczyk R. (2017) Nowe stanowisko Poa bulbosa (Poaceae) z Wyżyny Sandomierskiej (A new locality of Poa bulbosa (Poaceae) on the Sandomierz Upland). Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Polon. 24(1): 194-198. [In Polish]
  • Panek M, Piwowarczyk R. (2017) Spontaniczne rozprzestrzenianie się Duchesnea indica (Rosaceae) na terenie Sandomierza (Spontaneous spread of Duchesnea indica (Rosaceae) in Sandomierz). Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Polon. 24(1): 167-173. [In Polish]
  • Ruraż K, Piwowarczyk R. (2017) Rzadkie gatunki ciepłolubnych roślin naczyniowych Wyżyny Sandomierskiej. Cz. III (Rare thermophilic species of vascular plants from the Sandomierz Upland. Part II.). Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Polon. 24(2): 531-535. [In Polish]
  • Piwowarczyk R, Ruraż K, Panek M. (2017) Antropogeniczne stanowisko Saxifraga tridactylites (Saxifragaceae) oraz Saxifrago tridactylitis-Poetum compressae na Wyżynie Małopolskiej (Anthropogenic locality of Saxifraga tridactylites (Saxifragaceae) and Saxifrago tridactylitis-Poetum compressae in the Wyżyna Małopolska Upland). Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Polon. 24(2): 503-506. [In Polish]
  • Sánchez Pedraja Ó, Moreno Moral G, Carlón L, Piwowarczyk R, Laínz M, Schneeweiss G.M. (2016 [continuously updated]). Index of Orobanchaceae. Liérganes, Cantabria, Spain. ISSN: 2386-9666 .
  • Panek M. (2016) Nowe stanowiska rzadkich gatunków roślin naczyniowych z Sandomierza (New localities of rare species of vascular plants from Sandomierz). Fragm. Flor. Geobot. Pol. 23(1): 151-156. [In Polish]
  • Ruraż K. (2016) Rzadkie gatunki ciepłolubnych roślin naczyniowych Wyżyny Sandomierskiej. Cz. II (Rare thermophilic species of vascular plants from the Sandomierz Upland. Part II). Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Polon. 23(1): 156-158. [In Polish]
  • Nobis M, Nowak A, Piwowarczyk R, Ebel AL, Király G, Kushunina M, Sukhorukov AP, Chernova OD, Kipriyanova LM, Paszko B, Seregin AP, Zalewska-Gałosz J, Denysenko M, Nejfeld P, Stebel A, Gudkova P.D. (2016) Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 5. Bot. Lett. 163(2): 159-174.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Carlón L, Kasińska J, Tofil S, Furmańczyk P. (2016) Micromorphological intraspecific differentiation of nectar guides and landing platform for pollinators in the Iberian parasitic plant Cistanche phelypaea (Orobanchaceae). Bot. Lett. 163: 47-55.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Huruk S, Ruraż K, Panek M. (2016) Antropogeniczne stanowisko Nasturtium officinale (Brassicaceae) oraz Nasturtietum officinalis w Górach Świętokrzyskich (Wyżyna Małopolska) (Anthropogenic locality of Nasturtium officinale (Brassicaceae) and Nasturtietum officinalis in the Świętokrzyskie Mts (Małopolska Upland)). Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Polon., 23(1): 159-162. 12 [In Polish]
  • Piwowarczyk R, Ruraż K, Panek M. (2016) Cotoneaster lucidus (Rosaceae) – gatunek potencjalnie inwazyjny w Górach Pieprzowych koło Sandomierza (Cotoneaster lucidus (Rosaceae) – a potentially invasive species in the Góry Pieprzowe Mountains near Sandomierz). Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Polon., 23(2): 356-362. [In Polish]
  • Ruraż K. (2015) Rzadkie gatunki roślin naczyniowych muraw kserotermicznych Wyżyny Sandomierskiej (Rare vascular plant species of xerothermic grasslands from the Sandomierz Upland). Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Polon. 22(1): 109-112. [In Polish]
  • Piwowarczyk R. (2015) Orobanche zajaciorum (Orobanchaceae): a new species from the Caucasus. Phytotaxa 201(3): 214-220.
  • Piwowarczyk R. (2015) Seed micromorphology of central European Orobanche and Phelipanche (Orobanchaceae) in relation to preferred hosts and systematic implications. Aust. Syst. Bot. 28: 124-136.
  • Piwowarczyk R. (2015) Seed morphology of Boschniakia sensu lato (Orobanchaceae) and its taxonomical implications. Phytotaxa 231(2): 156-164.
  • Nobis M, Nowak A, Ebel AL, Nobis A, Nowak S, Gudkova PD, Verkhozina AV, Erst AS, Łazarski G, Olonova MV, Piwowarczyk R, Bobrov AA, Khrustaleva IA, Plášek V, Silantyeva MM, Zalewska-Gałosz J. (2015) Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 3. Acta Bot. Gallica 162(2): 103-115.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Madeja J, Nobis M. (2015) Pollen morphology of the Central European broomrapes (Orobanchaceae: Orobanche, Phelipanche and Orobanchella) and its taxonomical implications. Plant Syst. Evol. 301: 795-808.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Krajewski Ł. (2015) Orobanche elatior and O. kochii (Orobanchaceae) in Poland: distribution, taxonomy, plant communities and seed micromorphology. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 84(1):103-123.
  • Piwowarczyk R, Kwolek D, Denysenko M, Cygan M, Góralski G, Ślesak H, Tuleja M, Joachimiak A.J. (2015) Orobanche grenieri (Orobanchaceae) – a southwestern European species that was newly found in Asia. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 52: 411-418.
  • Ellis LT, Alegro A, Šegota V, Bakalin VA, Barone R, Borovichev EA, Hugonnot V, Lebouvier M, Nobis M, Nowak A, Ochyra R, Papp B, Szurdoki E, Piwowarczyk R, Plášek V, Číhal L, Ren Z-J, Sabovljević MS, Sérgio C, Garcia CA, Melo I, Sawicki J, Stebel A, Ştefǎnuţ S, Ion I, Manole A, Tziortzis I, Xiong Y, Zhao Z-T. (2015) New national and regional bryophyte records, 44. J. Bryol. 37(3): 228-241.
  • Nobis M, Ebel AL, Nowak A, Paszko B, Bobrov AA, Kotukhov YA, Kupriyanov AN, Nobis A, Zalewska-Gałosz J, Olonova M., Verloove F, Chen W-L, Kushunina M, Kwolek D, Lashchinskiy NN, Piwowarczyk R, Sukhorukov AP, Nowak S, Plášek V, Pliszko A. (2015) Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 4. Acta Bot. Gallica (Bot. Lett.) 162: 301-316.


  • Podlaski R., Models of the fine-scale spatial distributions of trees in managed and unmanaged forest patches with Abies alba Mill. and Fagus sylvatica L., Forest Ecology and Management Volume 439, 1 May 2019, Pages 1-8
  • Podlaski R., Sobala T., Kocurek M., Patterns of tree diameter distributions in managed and unmanaged Abies alba Mill. and Fagus sylvatica L. forest patches, Forest Ecology and Management Volume 435, 1 March 2019, Pages 97-105
  • Bobiec A., Podlaski R., Ortyl B., Korol M., Havryliuk S., Öllerer K., M.Ziobro J., Pilch K., Dychkevych V., Dudek T., Mázsa K., Varga A., Angelstam P., Top-down segregated policies undermine the maintenance of traditional wooded landscapes: Evidence from oaks at the European Union’s eastern border, Landscape and Urban Planning
    Volume 189, September 2019, Pages 247-259


  • Borkowski A. 2019. Regression equations for estimating populations of Tomicus piniperda (L.) on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Forest Ecology and Management, 453, Article No. 117578.


Monografie naukowe (od 2019 roku):

  • Ruraż K., Piwowarczyk R. 2021. Rośliny naczyniowe muraw kserotermicznych Wyżyny Sandomierskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach. ss. 264. ISBN 978-83-7133-939-4.
  • Piwowarczyk R., Sanchez Pedraja O., Moreno Moral G., Fayvush G., Zakaryan N., Kartashyan N., Aleksanyan A. 2019. Holoparasitic Orobanchaceae (Cistanche, Diphelypaea, Orobanche, Phelipanche) in Armenia: distribution, habitats, host range and taxonomic problems. Phytotaxa Monograph 386(1): 1-106.
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